Critical Notes

Tsitsi Dangarembga, Arjun Singh Sethi, Philippe Costamagna, and more

By Victoria Chang

Jenny Bhatt reviewed Stephanie Rosenbloom's “Alone Time” for Popmatters.

Jane Ciabattari recommended ten books to read in August for BBC Culture.

John Domini reviewed Laura Van den Berg's novel, “The Third Hotel” for the Sewanee Review.

Andrew Ervin interviewed Kate Christensen about her novel “The Last Cruise” for the Los Angeles Review of Books.

Jean Huets reviewed Wioletta Greg's “Swallowing Mercury” and Abby Frucht reviewed Dorthe Nor's “So Much for That Winter” for the NBCC Reads Series on Favorite Translated Books.

Alexander Kafka reviewed Philippe Costamagna's “The Eye” for The Washington Post.

Julian Lucas interviewed Tommie Shelby about “To Shape a New World,” his edited collection on the political philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for The Point.

Lisa Peet reviewed Nell Irvin Painter's “Old in Art School” for Bloom.

Jim Ruland reviewed Megan Abbott's novel, “Give Me Your Hand” for San Diego CityBeat.

Martha Anne Toll reviewed Arjun Singh Sethi's “American Hate” for NPR and Aaron Jacobs's “The Abundant Life” for the Washington Independent Review of Books.

David Varno reviewed Tsitsi Dangarembga's book, “This Mournable Body” for The Minneapolis Star Tribune.


Cynthia Haven was named a National Endownment for the Humanities Public Scholar for 2018/19 and her book, “Evolution of Desire: A Life of René Girard” was reviewed in The Los Angeles Review of Books, The San Francisco Chronicle, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. Translations of the book are forthcoming in Portugese and Russian.

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