Now, more than ever, our culture needs critical voices, and we need your help. Founded in 1974, the National Book Critics Circle supports and encourages the art and craft of literary criticism. Your donation will support our Awards and Fellowships fund, our Emerging Critics Fellowships, our member services, and continuing outreach to aspiring and working book reviewers across the nation. All donors receive our weekly newsletter, Critical Notes. The National Book Critics Circle is a 501c(3) nonprofit.

To make a contribution by credit card, please enter an amount and click "Donate." You may also send a check made out to the National Book Critics Circle to our treasurer: Marion Winik, 4600 Keswick Rd., Baltimore, MD 21210
Annual Donors are the bedrock of everything we do. Donors at all levels receive our weekly newsletter, Critical Notes, access to our membership directory and editors database, and discounted tickets to our paid events. At the Sustainer level, donors are recognized by name on this page (see below) unless you prefer not be listed.