The National Book Critics Circle is taking part in the 27th annual Chicago Tribune Printers Row Lit Fest on Sunday, June 5, 2011. The Lit Fest is a free, two-day literary extravaganza featuring more than 200 authors, 100 literary programs and 160 booksellers.
Sunday afternoon, 6/5/2011, from 3 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.on the Center Stage, Elizabeth Taylor, literary editor of the Chicago Tribune and NBCC board member will lead a conversation about literary prizes with Karen R. Long, Cleveland Plain Dealer book editor and an NBCC Vice President, Booklist's Barbara Seaman, and critic Art Winslow
Details here.
Elizabeth Taylor is the literary editor and former Sunday Magazine editor of the Chicago Tribune. She is the co-author of “American Pharaoh: Mayor Richard J. Daley: His Battle for Chicago and the Nation.” She is a current NBCC board member and a former NBCC president.
Karen R. Long has been the book editor at The Plain Dealer in Cleveland since 2005 and is a vice president of the National Book Critics Circle. She won a Penny Missouri award for best profile in 2005, for a magazine story on the Cuyahoga County coroner, Dr. Elizabeth Balraj. The Associated Press named her the best feature writer in Ohio in 2003.
Donna Seaman is an associate editor for Booklist, a book critic for Chicago Public Radio and a reviewer for various publications. A recipient of the Studs Terkel Humanities Service Award, she created the fiction anthology “In Our Nature: Stories of Wildness.” Her author interviews are collected in “Writers on the Air: Conversations about Books.”
Art Winslow is a former literary and executive editor of The Nation. He has evaluated literary magazines for the National Endowment for the Arts. His criticism and other writing have appeared in The New York Times Book Review, the literary sections of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, and elsewhere. He is a former NBCC president.