The 2024 board elections (for terms beginning in March 2025) will take place this fall, beginning with a call for candidate statements this September. Members will receive information on how to run by email. Keep in mind that you must be a full member of the NBCC to run for the board.

As You Consider a Run for the NBCC Board

Thank you for considering a run for the board of the National Book Critics Circle! When people think of the NBCC board, they usually focus on the public-facing things we do–our panels at literary events, our website, and, of course, our awards. But behind the scenes, the board is responsible for a host of other things: fundraising, recruiting and retaining members, creating and updating member resources, mentoring Emerging Critics, running the organization’s website and social media platforms, envisioning what book criticism will look like in the coming years–and decide how best to serve our members in light of those changes.

Time Commitment

Serving on the board is greatly rewarding but enormously time-consuming, with the bulk of the work coming in the autumn and over the winter holidays. We estimate that board work and reading takes about 10-15 hours a month between late March and early October, and from mid-October, to mid-March, it can take as much as 30-60 hours a month.

How We Work

The NBCC is led by a board of 24 members. Every year, eight people are elected to a three-year term. Board members can be re-elected once but then must cycle off the board for at least a year. The board is required by its bylaws to meet three times a year. Currently, the board meets four times a year: in New York City in September and March and virtually in January and June. For New York City meetings, air/train and hotel expenses are subsidized, but we’re an organization on a tight budget; board members should expect to cover a portion of travel costs themselves.

Committees are at the heart of the NBCC’s work. There are two kinds: reading committees, which read books in six genres in order to choose the award winners, and administrative committees, which keep us going in all other ways.

Reading Committees

Each board member is required to serve on at least two reading committees. Your committee chair will order books for you monthly and will conduct conversations via Slack and Zoom throughout the year. You are asked to read as widely as possible within your two genres. This is time-consuming but crucial work; because books are not nominated by their authors or publishers but are added to the list by board members, you will be expected to seek out books for consideration.

The lists are winnowed down to long lists of 10-15 titles in December, and in January the board meets to choose the finalists. Board members are expected to read all 30 finalists, and in March, the board meets in New York to select the winners. The awards are presented that evening, and the next day or in the days following, the new board convenes to start the process anew.

Administrative Committees

In addition to serving on two (or more) reading committees, board members are expected to volunteer for one or more of the action committees that keep the organization running smoothly. Here are the main ones, though there are others:

Awards: Administers the annual award and reception. It’s a substantial logistical lift, requiring contact with venues, handling food and beverage, ticketing, and so on.

Emerging Critics: Considers and chooses applicants for the annual Emerging Critics program, which connects writers early in their careers with seasoned critics. Works with these new critics throughout the year.

Events: Helps plan events beyond the awards, such as the panels at AWP, Brooklyn Book Festival, Litquake, and elsewhere.

Fundraising: Charged with brainstorming and executing ways to generate funds for the NBCC outside of dues: grants, donations, sponsorships, and so forth. If you have experience in grant-writing or fund-raising, this committee would be a good place for you.

Membership: Serves as a liaison to members and answers any questions they might have; creates and maintains member resources.

Online: Handles the content of our website, our social media presence, and Critical Notes, the weekly newsletter that rounds up member work.

As You Plan Your Run

Craft a statement that emphasizes the particular skills you can bring to the NBCC. Don’t waste precious space in expressing your enthusiasm for the NBCC or your passion for criticism. Tell members what problems you can solve, and what experience you have that can help the NBCC. Because diversity, equity, and inclusion have become central to our work as an organization, also be sure to address how you would contribute to this important mission.

If you want more clarity about what the job entails, please contact current and/or past board members about their experiences. Here is a complete list of current board members, including contact information. If you are willing to work hard, serving on the board is one of the most validating experiences NBCC members have had in their professional lives.