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NBCC Reads

Guest Post by Kevin Clark: How Do You Decide What to Read Next?

By Kevin Clark

NBCC member Kevin Clark offers these thoughts on the third question in our “Next Decade in Book Culture” series.


How do you decide what to read next?

 A combination of writing interest and general mood. Plus I mostly choose poetry books after reading work by poets in journals, sometimes online. Also I'm in a serious reader's group and I read what we choose collectively. 

Where are you reading book reviews?

New York Times Book Review.
Georgia Review.
Gettysburg Review.
Pleaides Journal.
American Poet.
Poetry Magazine.

What book reviewers/literary bloggers do you follow?

None in particular, though I like Dan Chiasson.

Where do you find their commentary and criticism?

NY Times and lit journals.

Do you read about books online?


In print?


In daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly publications?


Listen on the radio?


On podcasts?




Word of mouth (if so, whose word?)

Colleagues, other poets and writers.

Have you found new sources within the past few months?

Not really.