In addition to the NBCC’s member critics, we threw the net out to all of our former finalists and winners to vote in the NBCC’s Good Reads winter list. Here are the folks who answered the call:
Diane Ackerman, Julia Alvarez, Sam Anderson, Anne Applebaum, Blake Bailey, Mary Jo Bang, Allen Barra, David Bromwich, John Casey, Ron Charles, Michael Collier, Jim Crace, Pete Dexter, Morris Dickstein, Dennis Drabelle, Geoff Dyer, Paul Elie, Susan Faludi, Eric Foner, Jonathan Franzen, Brigitte Frase, Laurie Garrett, Thomas Geoghegan, Nelson George, Amy Gerstler, Jack Gilbert, Michael Gorra, Philip Gura, John Guy, Marilyn Hacker, David Hajdu, Matthea Harvey, Aleksandar Hemon, Robin Marantz Henig, Jane Hirschfield, Adam Hochschild, Tony Hoagland, Nick Hornby, Maureen Howard, Daniel Walker Howe, Walter Isaacson, Major Jackson, Terri Jentz, Troy Jollimore, Charles Johnson, Judy Jordan, Adrian Nicole LeBlanc, Brigit Pegeen Kelly, Ross King, Adam Kirsch, David Leavitt, Jonathan Lethem, Bernard Lewis, Thomas Mallon, James Marcus, Wyatt Mason, Maureen McLane, Scott McLemee, Davis McCombs, James McPherson, Albert Mobilio, Caroline Moorehead, David Nasaw, Geoffrey O’Brien, Cynthia Ozick, Elaine Pagels, Sara Paretsky, Caryl Phillips, Jayne Anne Phillips, Carl Phillips, Julie Phillips, Robert Pinsky, Robert Polito, Michael Pollan, D.A. Powell, Katherine A. Powers, Annie Proulx, Jonathan Raban, James Richardson, Donna Rifkind, Jason Roberts, Roger Rosenblatt, Alex Ross, Mark Rudman, Norman Rush, Craig Seligman, Alan Shapiro, Frances Sherwood, Ron Slate, Charles Solomon, Gerald Stern, Laurie Stone, Jean Strouse, Susan Stewart, Mary Szybist, Anne Tyler, Timothy B. Tyson, William Taubman, Ellen Bryant Voigt, Tim Weiner, Alan Weisman, Gary Wills