Members and friends, we hope you’ve been having a good spring! Our members have been busy with reviews of books by authors including Becca Rothfeld, Stephen Graham Jones, Julia Alvarez, Amor Towles, Anne Lamott, and more, and interviews with writers such as Ada Limón, Don Winslow, and Rita Bullwinkel. Take care, and as always, thanks for reading!
Member Reviews/Essays
Sebastian Stockman reviewed All Things Are Too Small by Becca Rothfeld, this year’s Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing winner, in The Washington Post (where Rothfeld is the Nonfiction Book Critic).
Former NBCC board member Marion Winik, this year’s winner of the NBCC Service Award, wrote roundups of memoirs that changed a generation and the most addictive reads of all time for Oprah Daily. She also wrote about three audiobooks that transcend immigration rhetoric for Kirkus Reviews.
Celia McGee reviewed Alexandra Fuller’s Fi: A Memoir of My Son for Air Mail.
NBCC board member Tobias Carroll reviewed Stephen Graham Jones’ The Angel of Indian Lake for Reactor and Rachel Eliza Griffiths’ Promise for the Portland Press Herald.
Diane Scharper reviewed Shakespeare’s Sisters: How Women Wrote the Renaissance by Ramie Tarkoff for The Washington Examiner.
NBCC board member Christoph Irmscher reviewed Bill Wasik and Monica Murphy’s Our Kindred Creatures: How Americans Came to Feel the Way They Do About Animals for The Wall Street Journal.
Former NBCC board member Anita Felicelli reviewed Julia Alvarez’s The Cemetery of Untold Stories for the Los Angeles Times and Marie Mutsuki Mockett’s The Tree Doctor for Alta.
Eric Olson reviewed Amor Towles’ Table for Twofor The Washington Post.
For The Red Hook Star-Revue, Michael Quinn reviewed The Freaks Came Out to Write by Tricia Romano.
NBCC member and John Leonard Prize judge Claude Peck reviewed The Alternatives by Caoilinn Hughes for the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Julia Lichtblau’s new essay, “I So Wish That You Remembered,” is in The American Scholar‘s spring edition.
Meena Venkataramanan wrote about Alfred Peredo Flores’ Tip of the Spear: Land, Labor, and US Settler Militarism in Guåhan, 1944–1962 and Maile Arvin’s Possessing Polynesians: The Science of Settler Colonial Whiteness in Hawai`i and Oceania for Public Books.
Meredith Maran reviewed Anne Lamott’s Somehowfor The Washington Post.
Paul Wilner reviewed Joel Selvin’s Drums and Demons: The Tragic Journey of Jim Gordon for Alta.
Nell Beram reviewed Leave the Lights On by Liv Andersson for the Portland Press Herald.
Dan Kubis reviewed Maggie Nelson’s Like Lovefor the Chicago Review of Books.
Nicole Yurcaba’s review of Diane Mehta’s Tiny Extravaganzas appeared in Colorado Review.
Jack Rockwell reviewed the inaugural edition of Deep Vellum’s new Best Literary Translations anthology for North American Review.
Julia M. Klein reviewed Michael Korda’s Muse of Fire for The Washington Post.
Karl Wolff reviewed Indian Winter by Kazim Ali for The Driftless Area Review.
Member Interviews
Mandana Chaffa, Vice President of the Barrios Book in Translation Prize interviewed U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón about her anthology You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World for The Brooklyn Rail, and talked to Katie Farris about her collection Standing in the Forest of Being Alive for BOMB Magazine.
Sasha Vasilyuk spoke with Jessie Ren Marshall about her short story collection, Women! In! Peril!, for Electric Literature.
In The Brooklyn Rail, John Domini has an extended interview with George Guida about his new novel, The Uniform.
Eric Olson wrote a profile of Katrina Carrasco and her new book Rough Trade for The Seattle Times.
Jim Ruland interviewed Don Winslow about retiring from novel writing for the Los Angeles Times.
Former NBCC board member Anita Felicelli wrote a profile of Rita Bullwinkel for Alta.
NBCC board member Tobias Carroll talked with Kevin Baker about The New York Game for InsideHook and Jeff Noon for the latest issue of Maggot Brain.
For their Book Cougars podcast, NBCC member Chris Wolak and Emily Fine spoke with Yulin Kuang about her debut novel, How to End a Love Story, and Allison Pataki about her new novel, Finding Margaret Fuller.
Member News
Heather Treseler’s book, Auguries & Divinations, which won the 2023 May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize, was published on April 9.
An excerpt of Julia Lichtblau’s novel, The Glass House, was a finalist for the Narrative Magazine Winter 2024 Contest.
Chuck Augello’s story “Vandals” was published by 100 Word Story.
Former NBCC board member Tess Taylor has been named Poet Laureate for the city of El Cerrito. She will be helping to build El Cerrito High School’s literary magazine. Tess will also be at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books reading from her new anthology, Leaning Toward Light, Poems for the Gardens and the Hands That Tend Them, along with former NBCC board member Victoria Chang, on April 21 from 11:00 am-11:20 am on the Poetry Stage-Signing Area 2.
“The Morgan Library and Museum” by Peter Miller is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.