Members and friends, we hope you’ve been having a good September! If any of you are planning to be at the Brooklyn Book Festival later this month, we’d love for you to join us at our event, Beyond the Acclaimed Debut. NBCC board member Lauren LeBlanc will moderate the panel, featuring special guests Jamel Brinkley (A Lucky Man), Megha Majumdar (A Burning), and Zain Khalid (A Brother Alive). It’s at Community Bookstore at 143 7th Avenue in Brooklyn, Friday, Sept. 29, at 6 pm Eastern. You can RSVP by reserving a free ticket here—we hope to see you there!
Member Reviews/Essays
Ron Slate reviewed two poetry debuts, Eggtooth by Jesse Nathan and Grand Tour by Elisa Gonzalez for On The Seawall.
Hamilton Cain reviewed Timothy Egan’s A Fever in the Heartland for Chapter 16 and Michael H. Kater’s After the Nazis for On The Seawall.
For The Gay & Lesbian Review, Michael Quinn reviewed The Splendid Disarray of Beauty: The Boys, the Tiles, the Joy of Cathedral Oaks—A Study in Arts and Crafts Community by Richard D. Mohr.
Clea Simon reviewed Mick Herron’s The Secret Hours for The Arts Fuse.
NBCC lifetime member Fran Hawthorne reviewed Claudia Dey’s Daughterfor the New York Journal of Books.
Former NBCC board member and Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing recipient Steven G. Kellman reviewed Jerome Charyn’s Ravage & Son for the Forward.
Linda Hitchcock reviewed Paulette Jiles’ Chenneville for BookTrib.
Ellen Prentiss Campbell reviewed Josh Barkan’s Wonder Travelsfor the New York Journal of Books.
David Nilsen reviewed Christine Lai’s Landscapesfor On the Seawall.
NBCC Vice President/Emerging Critics Fellowship and Online Michael Schaub reviewed Claudia Dey’s Daughterfor NPR.
Member Interviews
Clea Simon interviewed Jill Lepore for The Boston Globe.
For their Across the Pond podcast, former NBCC board member Lori Feathers and co-host Sam Jordison talked to Paola Ferrante about her new short story collection, Her Body Among Animals, published by Canada’s Book*hug Press.
NBCC Vice President/Events Jane Ciabattari’s Literary Hub conversations include Angie Kim (Happiness Falls) on the measures of happiness and the many forms intelligence can take, and Christian Kiefer on sewing a quilt of distinctive voices in his new novel The Heart of the Matter.
The September guest for NBCC lifetime member Greg Sarris’s Place and Purpose podcast was Wade Crowfoot, California Secretary of Natural Resources. The next podcast will feature NBCC award winner Rebecca Solnit; it will livestream on Oct. 6 at 10 am Pacific.
NBCC Vice President/Barrios Book in Translation Prize Mandana Chaffa interviewed Mary Jo Bang about her new collection, A Film in Which I Play Everyone, for the Chicago Review of Books.
Heather Green interviewed Alexa Frank, in Asymptote, about her translation of two new literary manga titles: Offshore Lightning by Nazuna Saito, and River’s Edge by Kyoko Okazaki.
Grant Faulkner interviewed Jimin Han about her new novel, The Apology, on his podcast Write-minded.
Elaine Szewczyk profiled Pulitzer Prize finalist Garrett M. Graff for Publishers Weekly. Graff’s new book, UFO: The Inside Story of the U.S. Government’s Search for Alien Life Here–and Out There, is out this fall.
Member News
Tiffany Troy launches her debut poetry collection, Dominus, from BlazeVOX [books] today.
NBCC Vice President/Secretary Colette Bancroft appeared on C-SPAN’s About Books, discussing fall nonfiction.
Other News
Congratulations to this year’s winners of the Whiting Literary Magazine Prizes: Guernica, Los Angeles Review of Books, Mizna, n+1, Orion, Oxford American, and The Paris Review.
“The Community Bookstore” by EdFladung is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.