Critical Mass

The Next Decade in Book Culture:Are you using e-galleys? If not, are you ready to make the switch?

By Jane Ciabattari

Our next question (Question #4) for guest posts in The Next Decade in Book Culture is, Are you using e-galleys? If not, are you ready to make the switch?

NBCC board member Craig Morgan Teicher recently launched Publishers Weekly reviews of enhanced e-books with a thoughtful  consideration of fiction versus nonfiction, here:

Jane Friedman, CEO of Open Road Integrated Media, is set to launch her first e-book original, “Negotiating with Evil,” by veteran diplomat Mitchell B. Reiss, on sale September 9. (More about the book here.) “They Are Us,” Pete Hamill's next book from Little, Brown, is going straight to e-book. Will these e-book originals get review attention?

Has the tipping point come for reviewers? Are you using e-galleys? If so, how are you reading them? (As printouts, online, on e-reading devices?) Which services are you using (NetGalley, Simon & Shuster's Galley Grab, others?)  Are you getting online access to catalogs?

If you aren't using e-galleys, are you ready to make the switch? Why or why not?

How are you reviewing e-book originals, books that could have followed the traditional route but whose authors or agents opted for the new?

Send your response to We'll begin to publish the fourth series of guest posts in September.