Critical Mass

Webby Votes

By Jane Ciabattari

Just cast my Webby votes for favorites like The Daily Beast (go, Book Beast!), Truthdig (for the book reviews alone), Kurt Andersen’s VSL (often first buzz on books like Geoff Dyer’s “Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi,” pick # 3 in The New Yorker’s new online book club, among others) and yes, Orwell Diaries, 1938 through 1942. (Gardening, animal husbandry, who knew? A typical entry, from April 16, 1939, notes bluebells blooming unusually early, “Wild cherries in full bloom. Sycamore leaves opening. Apple blossom almost about to open. Another thrush sitting [on] eggs in the hedge.” Plus he gathered ten eggs from his chix and milked the cow.)

Vote here Results May 5.