Today, Wyatt Mason—NBCC member and winner of the Balakian award for excellence in reviewing—will go online at Harpers with his new blog, Sentences. I highly recommend taking a look and subscribing to the feed. Judging from his first (very interesting) post, and the email below, it won’t be standard blog fare:
“Appearing several times a week, Sentences will not patrol the publishing industry, nor other literary blogs,” Mason wrote. “Rather, it will be devoted, for the most part, to things I’ve been reading lately, new and old, and the ideas such reading stimulates. Particular attention will be paid to the particulars of writing, the pieces and parts upon which the enterprise depends for its effects. General questions, too, about literary endeavor, will crop up, questions I’ll try to address in a useful way. My aim is to make the posts a continuation, if in a different form, of the writing that I’ve been doing in Harper’s and elsewhere for the past few years.”
Sounds great—I look forward to reading. Check it out.