Critical Mass

In Other News 2


NBCC finalist Michael Chabon’s “The Yiddish Policeman’s Union” has been optioned by Scott Rudin and the Coen brothers, who turned “No Country for Old Men” into such a good film.

Julian Barnes is writing a memoir.

This makes you wonder why people don’t read Jean Toomer as much anymore.

The National Book Foundation, which puts on the National Book Awards, has started a blog, written by director Harold Augenbraum.

Recent NBCC biography finalist Tim Jeal is interviewed by the Guardian.

Why do we travel?

Former NBCC poetry finalist Brigit Pegeen Kelly’s poems are finally being published in the UK. Fiona Sampson has a look at them.

Board member Eric Miles Williamson will be kicking of the Savannah College of Art and Design’s visiting writer series next week.

Former NBCC finalist Dave Eggers has won a TED award, the last winner of which was Bill Clinton.

Board member Steve Weinberg wonders where all the journalism novels have gone.

Over at Democracy Now, former NBCC winner Samantha Power debates Jeremy Schahill on sanctions in Iraq, human intervention, and other matters.