This is the best piece you will ever read about Barack Obama.
NBCC board member Mary Ann Gwinn finds a familial vein running through Peter Carey’s work.
Peter Conrad explains how James Woods’ How Fiction Works….works.
Board member Rigoberto Gonzalez has a look at a press which is anything but ugly.
Nothing cheers you up in winter quite like poems about the underworld.
Board member Lev Grossman grapples with David Shields’ heartbreaking head-trip of a memoir, The Thing About Life is One Day You’ll be Dead. You can read an interview with Shields here.
NBCC finalist J.M. Coetzee has a nice essay on Cees Nooteboom’s new book.
Board member Lizzie Skurnick still doesn’t like talking in her ear.
The NBCC’s campaign to save book reviews mentioned in both of the books discussed in this article.
Board member Carlin Romano wishes there were more Fanon, less Wideman, in Wideman’s latest novel, Fanon.